Diet-Related Illnesses Activity

Choose one activity from the two options below (or try both!) and have fun.

Option 1: Family Health History Report

Family Health History Report Worksheet

Family Health History Report.pdf

Directions for the Family Health History Report:

  1. Gather Materials:

      • Pen/pencil

      • Paper

  2. Pick a family member to interview. You should choose a family member who is older.

  3. Complete your Family Health History Report.

      • Download the worksheet on the left-hand side to access the Family Health History Report questions.

  4. Let the interview begin! Ask every question and write down the answer. If your family member doesn’t know the answer, mark an asterisk (*) next to the question. Save those questions for another relative.

Option 2: Create Grocery Store Lists

Directions for creating grocery store lists:

  1. Gather Materials:

      • Pen/pencil

      • Paper

  2. Pretend that you need to go to the supermarket to buy groceries.

  3. Create 2 grocery lists:

      • #1 will be a list of foods that give you lots of energy and help improve your mood.

      • #2 will be a list of foods that make you tired and may lead to health problems.

      • Use the examples on the left-hand side to guide you, but make sure to create your own grocery lists.

  4. Now look at both lists carefully.

  5. Answer the following questions in 3 sentences or more:

      • What do you notice about both lists? Any similarities or differences between the two lists? (1 sentence)

      • Which list should you eat from as often as possible? And, which list of foods should you avoid or only save for “special occasions”? (1 sentence)

      • What are some diet-related illnesses that can result from only eating foods on list #2? (1 sentence)