The Natural Food Cycle Activity

Choose one activity from the two options below (or try both!) and have fun.

Option 1: Make your own Food Chain and Web

Directions for making your own food chain and web:

  1. Gather Materials:

      • Get creative and use anything you have at home: pen, markers, paper, toys, stamps, stickers, string, drawings, animal crackers, markers, glue, scissors, etc.

  2. Make your chain. Look at the examples above for inspiration!

      • Draw a food chain and stay small.

      • Or, make a food chain with found items and get big.

      • Ask a friend or family member to help you.

  3. Challenge yourself and make a Food Web.

  4. Questions to ask yourself as you make food chains and webs:

      • Compare and contrast producers, consumers, and decomposers.

      • What role do we play as humans in the Food Web?

      • What is the difference between a Food Chain and Food Web?

Option 2: What do we Need?

Food Web Example

You can use this example to help you make your own Food Web.

Food Chain Activity Cards

You can use these to help you make your Food Chains/Webs.

Lesson 2 -Food Chain Activity Cards.pdf

Directions for the "what do we need" activity:

  1. Gather Materials

      • Pen/pencil

      • Crayons/markers/colored pencils

      • Paper

  2. Draw a person in the middle of an empty page. Now surround it with all the things needed to live and be happy.

      • Example: a person may need sunshine, food, friends, family, shelter, etc.