Environmental Impacts of the Modern Food System Activity

Choose one activity from the two options below (or try both!) and have fun.

Option 1: Sprout your own Seeds

Directions to sprouting your own seeds:

  1. Gather Materials:

      • Any seeds from your kitchen (beans, lentils, sunflowers, corn seed, rice)

      • Jars or clear containers to see growth

      • Paper towel or cotton ball (something that soaks up water to keep the seeds moist )

      • Water

  1. Place your cotton balls at the bottom of your jars and wet it with water (or use 2-3 folds of paper towels or toilet paper).

      • You want your cotton balls or paper to be soaked with water, pour off any excess water that isn't absorbed.

  2. Place your seeds on the cotton balls; wait and watch...

  3. Keep the cotton moist everyday so the seeds don't dry out and observe their growth.

  4. Write 5 sentences answering the following questions:

      • What did you plant? (1 sentence)

      • If you planted more than one type of seeds, did they grow at different rates? (1 sentence)

      • If you planted more than one seed type, which grew the fastest? (1 sentence)

      • What color was the first growth? (1 sentence)

      • Did the color of the sprout change? (1 sentence)

Option 2: Draw the Stages of Seed Growth (Germination)

Directions for drawing the stages of seed growth:

  1. Gather Materials:

      • Paper

      • Something to draw with such as: pen, markers, crayons, pencils, colored pencils, etc.

  1. Draw the stages of growth of a bean seed (germination) and make sure to label:

      • The Seed Coat

      • First Leaves

      • The Embryo

      • Sprout

      • Roots

  2. Use the examples above for drawing inspiration!